Winchester CTC supports Cycle Winchester, a local community action group, campaigning to make Winchester  better by bike.

Cycle Winchester

In case of Emergency (ICE) tags

Winchester CTC has now negotiated a discount for a number of ICE (In Case of Emergency) ID tag kits for their members from a company called OneLifeID  ( The discounted cost of these is £5 inclusive for Winchester CTC members, instead of the usual club rate of £5.99 plus £1.50 p&p.

These are currently in use with Southampton CTC and other groups. These kits include three small PVC ID tags, key ring fob style, about a third the size of a credit card with 4 lines of emergency details such as name, contact details, emergency contact, any medical conditions/allergies, and link to an online service with more information (you choose what this shows) that can be used by the emergency services. You also get an "alert" sticker which you can attach to your helmet or your bike. It also includes a mobile app to display an ICE screen on your phone that turns your mobile phone into an extra iD. Each OneLife iD also has a weblink, which connects directly to your OneLife iD online profile where you can include additional, more detailed information.

The tags can be attached to saddle bags, keys or multiple bikes.


If you don't already have something like this then it's a worthwhile precaution to take, just in case the worse happens while you're out on the road. Carrying a personal ID with ICE (in case of emergency) information ensures immediate identification, effective and prompt treatment, quick communication with your emergency contacts and provides ‘peace of mind’. To access your details, emergency responders can read your engraved or printed details or just type the web link on the ID into a web browser. Many emergency and medical services now automatically look for ICE IDs and are familiar with accessing details online. Please make a payment of £5, this will need to be made to:

Sort Code: 30-97-14

Account Number: 33411168

Name on account: Winchester Cyclists Touring Club

Please include the riders name in the Payement Reference - e.g "ICETAG - JBloggs" 

When you have made this payment, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will release the code with instructions on how to order your personalised tags and web entry. Please note, this payment is for EACH person, so if you are ordering for a couple you will need two payments and two codes to set up a profile for each person.

Please contact the Wefare Offiicer if you have any questions. 



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