Winchester CTC supports Cycle Winchester, a local community action group, campaigning to make Winchester  better by bike.

Cycle Winchester

The Winchester CTC events calendar can be downloaded in a iCal format that is generally suitable for importing into your own calendar; examples include Outlook, Google calendar and mobile devices.

There are also options to create a link for use with Google Calendars and to subscribe to calendars that support external calendars - these will keep your calendar upto date. Note that categories do change from time to time so refreshing links / subscriptions may be necessary if you find rides are missing from your feed.

Here is a brief guide to selecting and downloading the file. Importing the file is application dependant and is not covered here.

1) Select the Export & Link Calendaroption from the menu.

2) Select the categories you need; Select the current & future years (to avoid downloading past events)


3) Press Generate Export.


Either: Press the "Send to Google Calendar" button and follow instructions.

Or: Download the file: Press download button to download file. Save the file and then import to your application.

Or Select subscribe (or copy the webcal URL into your application) - use with Outlook, Goggle Calendar and others.

URL will be of the form  webcal://



Here you will find the Club rules, AGM minutes, Minutes of Committee Meetings, Annual Reports and Treasurer's Reports, etc.



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